
From our Director

I bring you greetings from the Ghana Education Service specifically the Tema Metro Education Directorate. The education sector is one of the sectors which affects every home and has proven to be the foundation of every society and its bright future.

Education is the right of all Ghanaian children. This right is enshrined in Article 25 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana “All persons shall have the right to equal educational opportunities, in the realization of that right, basic education shall be free and compulsory and available for all”

Our core mandate as a Directorate is to uphold the right to education and ensure that children of school-going age within the metropolis are provided with inclusive and equitable quality formal education and training through effective and efficient management of resources, to make education delivery relevant to manpower needs of the metropolis and the nation as a whole.

As an education directorate we strive on the Vision that seeks to be among the best districts in Ghana in the provision of high quality pre-tertiary education to all children of school-going age in a serene school environment.

Our mission is to facilitate and provide high quality pre-tertiary education with emphasis on effective teaching and efficient management of resources through collaboration with all stakeholders of education.

The Tema Metro Education Directorate is responsible for managing and regulating the activities of private schools in the area, which are independently run and funded. This includes ensuring that private schools meet the same standard and requirement as public schools, that is, providing quality education to their learners.

Nelson Mandela once said “Education is the most powerful tool you can use to change the world” and I side with him by saying, education to me is the transmission of knowledge, skills and more importantly the character traits of an individual positively.

Education forms an important part of human life. It gives meaning to our lives as it enables the growth of our minds and intellect.

An educated society is an enlightened and an empowered one. Members of such a society can make well-informed choices for their social, political and economic welfare.

Together we strive to create a brighter future for the young mind in our community.

Let us therefore rise to the occasion by working hand-in-hand to impact education positively within the Tema Metropolis and also, to be the best among equals within the Greater Accra Region.
Thank you for your continuous support


Mrs. Bernice Ofori
Tema Metro Director of Education

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